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Results for "tradition: "Christianity""
Holy Silence: The Quaker Way Ways to access the quiet inner place where God grants us insights, guidance, and understanding of truth.
Practicing Spirituality with Joan Chittister A study of contemplation and action from one of the most prophetic voices in progressive Christianity.
Practicing Spirituality with Henri J. M. Nouwen An exploration of the holy uses of adversity with a world renowned spiritual guide.
Benedictine Spirituality Using the Rule of Benedict as a guide to a more purposeful way of being in our time of global transformation.
The Spirituality of St. Francis A spiritual journey to see how the spirit of Francis of Assisi has the power to liberate our lives today.
Gifts of a Scarred Soul An e-course on how the spiritual challenge of struggle transforms us.
Practicing Spirituality with Anthony de Mello A 40-day exploration of the wisdom stories and spiritual practices of the renowned Indian spiritual director.
Wisdom for Living: The Parables of Jesus An exploration of the wise and revolutionary teachings of Jesus through the lens of the parables.
Journey into Mercy An e-course flowing from the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy called by Pope Francis.
The Spirituality of the Gospels Fresh interpretations of intelligent, challenging, and incredibly inspiring gospel texts.